Never Give Up! - Book

Never Give Up! - Book

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"I don't understand! Why does my trial continue on and on? Did I somehow miss God?"

What do you do when your dreams, your plans and your hopes blow up in your face? Who do you blame when everything in the Bible gave you hope but, then, all was destroyed? How do you refrain from being angry, bitter and blaming God in situations like this?

If we are honest with ourselves all of us at one time or another, have felt like giving up. Paul expresses it perfectly in (2 Corinthians 1:8 when he says that he "despaired of life itself." What did he do? How did he persevere?

Most of us talk very openly about the need to "be like Christ" and to have His characteristics of Love, joy, peace, but what about the fruit of longsuffering: The determination never to give up? God promises us that He will strengthen us: help us and uphold us. (Isaiah 41:10) The question is: How do we do our part? How do we, like Paul, patiently endure our trials by never giving up? That's what this book is all about.

Copyright © 04-11-2005

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Nancy Missler
Nancy Missler
Nancy Missler, while raising four children, has touched the lives of thousands through her in-depth teaching of Biblical discoveries in her “Way of Agape” and “Be Ye Transformed” books and tape series. Nancy passed away on November 11th, 2015.

Please Note: The views and opinions expressed within are not necessarily those of Koinonia House.

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