Hermeneutics 101: A Comprehensive Workbook

Hermeneutics 101: A Comprehensive Workbook

Koinonia House Inc.

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(This comprehensive workbook is designed to facilitate study and should be used in conjunction with How We Got Our Bible and How to Study the Bible topical studies.)

How to Study the Bible. Which translation is best? Which Study Bible? What are the secrets of resolving difficult or controversial passages? From forty years of intensive Bible study and teaching, Missler shares his favorite helps, secrets and practical suggestions on how to take the Bible seriously.

Most Christians, although they want to do in-depth Bible study, know little of the types, philosophies and tools of study available. Is the Bible to be taken literally or figuratively? What study aids would be most helpful in beginning my own home study library? Going through the Bible book by book. "Eat the elephant one bite at a time." These studies produce the most lasting results. There is a balance in the "whole counsel of God." Emmaus Road in Luke 24:27.

Copyright © 01-10-2006

Available in the following formats:

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  • Paperback
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Dr. Chuck Missler

Dr. Chuck Missler

Chuck Missler was the Founder of Koinonia House and Koinonia Institute. It was Chuck’s vision for this ministry that brings us together. His aim was to stimulate us to dig into the Bible ourselves because as we study there is a real opportunity for us to encounter the God of the Universe. Chuck passed away on May 1st, 2018.

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