Daniel's 70 Weeks
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Do you know the Most Amazing Passage in the entire Bible?
In this study of Daniel's 70 Weeks, you will discover this amazing prophecy in the Old Testament predicted the very day that Jesus presented Himself as the Meschiach Nagid, the Messiah the King, to Jerusalem.
The Seventy Week Prophecy of Daniel 9 includes the most incredible validation of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, which He held them accountable to have known.
In a confidential briefing to His disciples, Jesus also highlights this passage as the key to understanding all other prophecies concerning His return.
It is essential to understanding the Book of Revelation and other related passage
This study contains 2 hours of teachings.
Copyright © 01-01-2004
El captulo 9 de Daniel es indiscutiblemente el pasaje más maravilloso de toda la Biblia.
La profecía de las setenta semanas de Daniel incluye la más extraordinaria convalidación de Jesucristo como el Mesías.
Al dar un resumen confidencial a sus discípulos en el Monte de Olivos, Jesús les indica que este pasaje es la clave de entender todas las profecías en lo tocante a su regreso.
Es esencial entender este pasaje para comprender el Apocalipsis, San Mateo 24 y otros pasajes relacionados.
Este volumen incluye dos mensajes grabados.
Available in the following formats:
Audio Download:- Digital Audio Files
- Handbook (PDF Study Notes)
- All Region (NTSC)
- Digital Audio Files on Disc
- Handbook (PDF Study Notes) on Disc
- Digital Video Files
- Digital Audio Files
- Handbook (PDF Study Notes)
Chuck Missler was the Founder of Koinonia House and Koinonia Institute. It was Chuck’s vision for this ministry that brings us together. His aim was to stimulate us to dig into the Bible ourselves because as we study there is a real opportunity for us to encounter the God of the Universe. Chuck passed away on May 1st, 2018.