Cosmic Codes - Table of Contents
- Preface vii
- Section I: Introduction 1
- Chapter 1: Secret Codes 3
- Chapter 2: Codes from Other Worlds 25
- Chapter 3: Basic Discoveries 39
- Chapter 4: The First Cryptanalyst 50
- Section II: Evidences of Hidden Design 67
- Chapter 5: A Hidden Message 69
- Chapter 6: Hidden Acrostics 77
- Chapter 7: The Magic of Sevens 89
- Section III: Microcodes: Jots and Tittles 97
- Chapter 8: The Hebrew Alphabet 99
- Chapter 9: Assassination Predicted? 115
- Chapter 10: The Skipping of Letters 121
- Section IV: The Equidistant Letter Sequences 131
- Chapter 11: The Torah Codes 133
- Chapter 12: The Yeshua Codes 147
- Chapter 13: The Dark Side 167
- Section V: Macrocodes: The Strategic Structure 183
- Chapter 14: The Use of Macrocodes 185
- Chapter 15: Cosmic Macrocodes 197
- Chapter 16: Measuring Confidence 215
- Chapter 17: The Seventy Sevens 231
- Chapter 18: The Once and Future Calendar 243
- Chapter 19: The Apocalypse Codes 265
- Chapter 20: On the Fringe: Numerics and Gematria 279
- Section VI: Metacodes: Beyond Our Horizon 301
- Chapter 21: Advanced Design Considerations 303
- Chapter 22: The Code of Life 313
- Chapter 23: Our Digital Universe 333
- Section VII: Treasure Hunting On Your Own 347
- Chapter 24: Your Personal Adventure 349
- Chapter 25: The Ultimate Code: You 365
- Appendices 373
- A. Rhetorical Devices (List) 375
- B. List of Major Types (Macrocodes) 395
- C. Old Testament Allusions in Revelation 407
- D. List of Sevens in the Bible 415
- E. An Eschatological Summary 423
- Endnotes 439
- Index 483