2016 Strategic Perspectives Conference XI
Ancient Texts
SP2016E05: Joel Richardson - Mystery Babylon
SP2016E17: William Federer - The History of Islam
SP2016E14: Bill Salus - The Now Prophecies
SP2016E18: Dr. Chuck Missler - Looking Ahead
SP2016E13: Joel Richardson - Turkey and the Coming Caliphate
SP2016E10: L.A. Marzulli - The Days of Chaos - Part 1
SP2016E03: Dr. Peter Flint - The Prophet Daniel and the Dead Sea Scrolls
SP2016E16: L.A. Marzulli - The Days of Chaos - Part 2
SP2016E11: Bob Cornuke - Golgotha
SP2016E15: Ron Matsen - Another Jesus?
SP2016E06: William Federer - America has Lost its Memory
SP2016E04: Paul McGuire - Globalism and Prophecy - Part 1
SP2016E12: Paul McGuire - Globalism and Prophecy - Part 2
SP2016E08: Dr. Steve Elwart - You Can Run, but You Can't Hide
SP2016E09: Jay Seegert - Faith is not a Four-Letter Word
SP2016E01: Joseph Farah - The Restitution of All Things