The Study Bible Bundle
SP2014E13: Jay Seegert - Evolution: Problem or Problematic
2014 Strategic Perspectives Conference IX
Cosmic Codes
Issachar Insight: Chuck Missler interviews Barry Setterfield
DNA By Design: The Origin of Life
Stretching the Heavens and the Dilation of Time
2017 Strategic Perspectives Conference XII
The 7th Day
Genesis and the Big Bang
In The Beginning There Was...Information
Foundations in Creation
The Creator Series
The Divine Watchmaker
The Privileged Planet
Hidden Treasures Bundle
SP2017E05: Spike Psarris - The Beginning of Time from a Creationist, Biblical Perspective
Worldview Wars: The Crusade Against Truth
SP2010E07: Stephen C. Meyer, PhD - DNA And The Evidence For Intelligent Design
SP2010E06: Dr. Chuck Missler - Beyond Newton: On The Frontiers of Reality
SG2018E02: Jay Seegert - Creation and The Genesis Flood (part 1)
SG2018E13: Jay Seegert - Creation and The Genesis Flood (part 2)