SP2009E03: Dr. Chuck Missler - A Call to Action
SP2015E03: Chris Corlett - On Education: Playgrounds, Politics and Parents
SP2014W02: Chris Corlett - Education is an Everyman Strategic Perspective
SPR2008: Dr. Bob Cornuke - Lessons From The Ledge
SP2015E10: Bob Cornuke - Traditions, Temples, and Beyond
SP2016E11: Bob Cornuke - Golgotha
SP2014E16: Bob Cornuke - Amazing New Discoveries: The Temple
SP2016E14: Bill Salus - The Now Prophecies
SP2015E17: Bob Cornuke - Alternate Location of the Crucifixion
SP2014E15: Bill Salus - Nuclear Showdown in Iran: Revealing the Ancient Prophecy of Elam
SP2008E06: Bill Cloud - Light in a Dark Place
SP2008E01: Amir Tsarfati - Israel and Her Challenges
SP2010E02: Alan Keyes - Without Faith There Is No Liberty