SG2018E16: Ron Matsen - Who do you Follow in Times of Trouble
SP2008E08: Dr. Chuck Missler - Strategic Trends Update
SP2008E09: John Loeffler - Prophecy in Crisis
SP2011E03: Steve Elwart - Behind the Curtain: Geopolitics at the End Times
SP2012E05: Ron Matsen - The Impact of Replacement Theology
SP2012E07: Joseph Farah - After The Harbinger
SP2012E09: Dr. Chuck Missler - Weathering the Coming Storm
SP2013E01: Dr. Chuck Missler - The Christian Challenge for the Years to Come
SP2013E02: Dr. Peter Flint - The Dead Sea Scrolls, Prophecy, and the New Testament
SP2013E09: David McAlvany - Can America Endure the Coming Years?
SP2014E04: Ron Matsen - The Reemergence of Assyria?
SP2014E06: Louis Powell - China: The Sleeping Dragon
SP2014E07: Mark Biltz - Blood Moons
SP2014E10: Joseph Farah - ISIS-SCMISIS: Gods Middle East Plan
SP2014E15: Bill Salus - Nuclear Showdown in Iran: Revealing the Ancient Prophecy of Elam
SP2015E01: Chuck Missler - The 7 Myths of Eschatology
SP2015E02: Dr. Steve Elwart - What is the World Coming To? A Global Intelligence Update
SP2015E04: Gary Stearman - New Insights on the Last Generation
SP2015E05: Joel Richardson - The Rise of Antichrist
SP2015E15: Joel Richardson - Encouragement for the Last Days
SP2015E16: Cris Putnam - Who are the Immortals Driving the Paranormal Paradigm Shift?
SP2016E03: Dr. Peter Flint - The Prophet Daniel and the Dead Sea Scrolls
SP2016E04: Paul McGuire - Globalism and Prophecy - Part 1
SP2016E10: L.A. Marzulli - The Days of Chaos - Part 1
SP2016E12: Paul McGuire - Globalism and Prophecy - Part 2
SP2016E13: Joel Richardson - Turkey and the Coming Caliphate
SP2016E14: Bill Salus - The Now Prophecies
SP2016E15: Ron Matsen - Another Jesus?
SP2016E16: L.A. Marzulli - The Days of Chaos - Part 2
SP2017E09: Joseph Farah - End Times
SP2017E10: Joel Richardson - Don't be a Nimrod!
SP2017E12: Joel Richardson - Discerning the Signs of the Times