SP2017E01: Dr. Chuck Missler - Welcome Message
SP2017E02: Jay Seegert - The Inspiration of Scripture
SP2017E03: Skip Heitzig - A Strategic Perspective on the Bible
SP2017E04: William Federer - Recent History to Understand Past History
SP2017E05: Spike Psarris - The Beginning of Time from a Creationist, Biblical Perspective
SP2017E06: Dr. William Welty - What Jesus Thought of Scripture
SP2017E07: Chris Corlett - Finding Truth in a Post-truth World
SP2017E08: David McAlvany - Macro Economic Outlook
SP2017E09: Joseph Farah - End Times
SP2017E10: Joel Richardson - Don't be a Nimrod!
SP2017E11: William Federer - Kings, Governments and Power
SP2017E12: Joel Richardson - Discerning the Signs of the Times
SP2017E13: Dr. Bob Cornuke - Traditions
SP2017E14: David McAlvany - Finishing Well
SP2017E15: Tim Remington - Trials, Faith, Forgiveness and Hope
SP2017E16: Ron Matsen - The End Times Church?