2014 Strategic Perspectives Conference IX
2016 Strategic Perspectives Conference XI
2017 Strategic Perspectives Conference XII
Betrayal of the Chosen
Inside the Revolution
Jihad: America's New War
Roots of War: Profiling the Middle East
SG2018E01: Joel Richardson - The Real Mount Sinai
SG2018E02: Jay Seegert - Creation and The Genesis Flood (part 1)
SG2018E03: William Federer - History is Not Prophetic but it Is Predictive (part 1)
SG2018E13: Jay Seegert - Creation and The Genesis Flood (part 2)
SG2018E14: Joel Richardson - The Exodus
SG2018E15: Bob Cornuke & Joel Richardson - Q&A Discussion
SP2006E02: Joseph Farah - Imagine A World Without Israel
SP2008E01: Amir Tsarfati - Israel and Her Challenges
SP2009E05: Joseph Farah - Middle East Beast
SP2012E06: Mati Shoshani - Israel's New Threats
SP2013E06: Joel Richardson - The Impact of Islam
SP2014E04: Ron Matsen - The Reemergence of Assyria?
SP2014E10: Joseph Farah - ISIS-SCMISIS: Gods Middle East Plan
SP2014E15: Bill Salus - Nuclear Showdown in Iran: Revealing the Ancient Prophecy of Elam
SP2015E05: Joel Richardson - The Rise of Antichrist
SP2016E13: Joel Richardson - Turkey and the Coming Caliphate
SP2017E10: Joel Richardson - Don't be a Nimrod!
SPR2008: Joel C. Rosenberg - All Eyes On The Epicenter
SPR2010: Mosab Yousef - Son of Hamas
The Magog Invasion: An Alternate View
The Next Holocaust and The Refuge in Edom
The Reemergence of Assyria?
The Sword of Allah: The Rise of Islam